
Good Evening, Today is was the battle between the good news of multiple effective vaccine candidates and the threat of new economic shutdowns. When the final bell sounded it was the threat of renewed shutdowns that won out. The corona news definitely has the greatest influence on the market now. I must say, I’m quite happy to see the political stuff move to the back seat for a little while. Both sides get mad when I write about that stuff. It still amazes me. Nevertheless, it’s about Corona Virus now. On the positive side better than 84% of the companies that have reported so far during this earning season have surprised to the upside. Pretty much  all the charts and indicators that I watch are pointing toward a higher market in the intermediate to long term. So I wouldn’t put too much stock in the short terms struggles like the ones that occurred this afternoon. My assessment after reviewing the charts is that the market will continue to be choppy but will ultimately move higher. For now, I’m still all in……

The days trading left use with the following results: Our TSP allotment slipped back -0.39%. For comparison, the Dow fell -1.16%, the Nasdaq -0.82%, and the S&P 500 -1.16%. Our allotment out performed and I thank God for that.




The days action left us with the following signals: C-Buy, S-Buy, I-Buy, and F-Neutral. We are currently invested at 100/S. Our allocation is now +32.28% on the year not including the days results. Here are the latest posted results:


11/17/20 Prior Prices
Fund G Fund F Fund C Fund S Fund I Fund
Price 16.4915 21.0739 53.6275 66.3616 33.4814
$ Change 0.0004 0.0400 -0.2499 0.5590 0.1035
% Change day +0.00% +0.19% -0.46% +0.85% +0.31%
% Change week +0.01% +0.20% +0.70% +2.50% +1.27%
% Change month +0.04% +0.55% +10.50% +13.42% +14.39%
% Change year +0.86% +6.88% +13.47% +17.92% +2.34%
Fund L INC L 2025 L 2030 L 2035 L 2040
Price 21.9775 10.8468 37.4482 11.1346 41.7115
$ Change 0.0016 0.0007 0.0032 0.0014 0.0065
% Change day +0.01% +0.01% +0.01% +0.01% +0.02%
% Change week +0.27% +0.58% +0.71% +0.78% +0.86%
% Change month +2.70% +5.92% +7.31% +8.04% +8.77%
% Change year +3.74% +8.47% +7.45% +11.35% +8.54%
Fund L 2045 L 2050 L 2055 L 2060 L 2065
Price 11.3285 24.6027 11.7215 11.7215 11.7216
$ Change 0.0026 0.0064 0.0018 0.0017 0.0017
% Change day +0.02% +0.03% +0.02% +0.01% +0.01%
% Change week +0.92% +0.99% +1.17% +1.17% +1.17%
% Change month +9.41% +10.05% +12.20% +12.20% +12.20%
% Change year +13.29% +9.43% +17.22% +17.22% +17.22%



 Now lets take a look at the charts. All signals are annotated with green circles. If you click on the charts they will become larger.
C Fund:
S Fund:
I Fund:
F Fund:
Everything looks clean and green for now….. That’s all for tonight. Have a great evening and may God continue to bless your trades! Be careful and stay safe.
God bless, Scott Sunglasses
 ***Just a reminder that you can review the performance of our allocation at the Web Site TSPTALK.com in the autotracker section under the screen name KyFan1.
I produce and publish this blog as both a ministry and for the benefit of any Federal Government Employee. This is done to offer you some guidance as to how to approach your retirement more financially successful. When it is time for you to retire, I recommend you utilize the services of a Professional Money Manager, who works with a reputable investment firm. He understands the guidance you have already received and he can manage your savings assets utilizing a more advanced investment program into the future. 
If you would like to receive more information about this introduction, please feel free to contact me at  KyFan1@aol.com. 






  • *****Interfund Transfer******

    Good Day, It’s time to adjust our mix. The new mix is 100/S Please remember that this is the percentage of money that we have invested in each fund, not the money that is taken from your check and deposited into thrift. Those future contributions should always be 100% G Fund. That automatically protects your deposit in the event that it is…

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