
Good Evening,

Today started good, but turned out ugly. No doubt about it, it was a classic bull trap. A good old fashioned failed bounce in dramatic fashion.  I’m not saying we’re there yet, but things are starting to act like they use to. If that’s the case, I can deal with it! By the matter of fact, I prefer it. However, many traders that have become accustomed to the new status quo cannot. Its true we are leaning the wrong way this time along with the rest of the world, but as long as we know the rules we can play the game and win. For now, we just have to see how this plays out…..hopefully the way it used to.


Code red: Stocks tank on Wall Street



The day’s selling left us with the following signals: C-Neutral, S-Sell, I-Buy, F-Buy. We are currently invested at 36/C, 42/S, 22/I, but I will be re-balancing the allocation as a result of the Sell signal generated by the S- Fund. Our allocation is currently -0.74% on the year and that definitely does not include today’s dismal results. Here are the latest posted results. 

Fund G Fund F Fund C Fund S Fund I Fund
Price 14.3783 16.1341 24.3273 34.2861 26.0134
$ Change 0.0009 0.0049 0.2647 0.4580 0.2507
% Change day +0.01% +0.03% +1.10% +1.35% +0.97%
% Change week +0.03% +0.30% +0.42% +0.41% +0.72%
% Change month +0.06% +0.43% +0.06% -0.85% +1.00%
% Change year +0.64% +2.49% +1.89% +1.83% +1.76%
  L INC L 2020 L 2030 L 2040 L 2050
Price 16.9899 22.1128 23.8444 25.2735 14.3259
$ Change 0.0388 0.1271 0.1753 0.2147 0.1370
% Change day +0.23% +0.58% +0.74% +0.86% +0.97%
% Change week +0.14% +0.30% +0.37% +0.41% +0.46%
% Change month +0.11% +0.16% +0.16% +0.15% +0.16%
% Change year +1.03% +1.45% +1.64% +1.77% +1.87%

Here’s what the S&P looked like today. It’s ugly!
This chart remains neutral for now, but can’t take much more selling before it generates a sell signal. As I mentioned in the opening statement, it sure seems like old times. I’m inclined not to take any chances so I’ll re-balance using moderate indicators. The Email will come shortly with our new allocation. I would be amiss not to mention that the Lord blessed our members on the street today as they actually managed a small gain. Precious metals and bonds saved the day! That information is for those of you that may be considering our service upon retirement. That’s all for tonight, God bless and have a nice evening
. Remember, tomorrow is a new day!
Scott 8-)


  • 05/13/2024

    Good Afternoon, The theme we’ve been discussing in our recent blogs has been pretty spot on. Sticky inflation and speculation over what the Fed will do about it has kept the market trading mostly sideways. There really hasn’t been a lot to gain unless you are a short term trader and if you are you…

  • 05/08/2024

    Good Morning, Summers here and we’re all busy, so I’ll try to keep it brief this week. Last Thursday our charts showed a change in trend. So we reentered the equity market with the S Fund which had the strongest chart and were rewarded with a nice day on Monday. However, the two trading days…

  • *****Interfund Transfer******

    Good Day, It’s time to adjust our mix. The new mix is 100/S Please remember that this is the percentage of money that we have invested in each fund, not the money that is taken from your check and deposited into thrift. Those future contributions should always be 100% G Fund. That automatically protects your deposit in the event that it is…